Monday, December 7, 2009

An Anthology

An Anthology, from end to start...

Assignment #5
This assignment was to be about layers. That's about the only direction with it, that it must involve layers. Digitally, the picture doesn't seem to make sense. In physical form it's to be the statue on a layer of acetate and the text black underneath and both are to be spray glued together. The intention is to look at the way human intentions can lead wrong. The story of Lucifer involves his iniquity making his fall from Heaven. His free choice created all evil.

Assignment #4
The point of my wallpaper was to just take old floral design prints and try adapting them to something that wouldn't be expected, bones. They turned out fairly successful, in my opinion. They could have been stronger.

Assignment #3
With an assignment just based on making a book, I stuck to what I was familiar with. I decided against making a full bound book to just go for a zine look. I wanted to capture things that push people to their edge. The final product is a lot more deteriorated than these due to it being photocopied multiple times to take the quality down.

Page 1

Pages 2-3

Pages 4-5

Pages 6-7

Pages 8-9

Pages 10-11

Pages 12-13

Pages 14-15

Pages 16-17

Pages 18-19

Page 20


Assignment #2
When it came down to making text based artwork, I was unsure where to go. After realizing the blatant typo in the sentence, I was was incredibly embarrassed but I'm still not totally unhappy with this. The reason for this was to throw the phrase "follow your heart" on its side. There's not always a happy ending for every risk you take.

Assignment #1
After having a 3d sculpture in class, I was really confused as to how I should take that and turn it into a digital form. I just decided to overdo the pins that were going into the brain and make them into something really gory just because I could.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Thought I was posting my second wallpaper today. Turns out I left my flash drive somewhere. It'll show up tomorrow. Get you something then!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Words fall to dust

At long last, my wall paper. Round two of this will be coming soon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Book recap

After being so late with things due to a plethora of endless excuses I can chalk up I'm posting up all the pages.

Note: These are not what the actual book looks like in final product. They are just the source before creating the physical form.


Page 1

Pages 2-3

Pages 4-5

Pages 6-7

Pages 8-9

Pages 10-11

Pages 12-13

Pages 14-15

Pages 16-17

Pages 18-19

Page 20


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pictures of you

For the book, I really want to try working with polaroids scanned in and base them off of words from either a song or a poem. Not too sold on anything quite yet.

Here are a couple polaroids from Andrei Tarkovsky for a little bit of an understanding...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The grand digital age

Instead of posting the final images I get a flash drive crash...

Oh well.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh I dream to heal your wounds

I'm awfully behind on a lot of things that should be done/being worked on. Thankfully I'm beginning to understand putting things into a calendar. I know that's a concept that has been taught for all twelve years of my basic education and heavily stressed as I entered into college education although now I'm finally grasping this by experiencing myself losing track of things.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Depression has flooded your veins...

Work in progress. The text that I'll be placing into the image will be...

"Your heart poisons you slowly"

Hoping to smooth out some of the edges, change the background and place the text like cut and paste typewriter words.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It never stops, I always hear you

From an assignment of a building a clay sculpture collectively in class and scanning in textures to fake blood spraying out of the illustration of a brain. Using a source image in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and an outrageous burst of focus, I was able to kick this out mostly in one sitting which ran about four and a half hours long.

I illustrated the brain and added in texture images after touching them with hue changes in Photoshop. I was more interested in actually taking the texture of the item and applying it to an object it would make sense without changing its colors. Getting the blood texture took three tries with spray paint and then waiting until I could get to a scanner.

Overall, there are things I would retouch again such as the blood texture and potentially adding in a background image although with time constraints and the trouble I had of getting a source image to illustrate from, I'm fairly content with it all.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009